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TodaysBinge brings you a platform where you can share your opinions, suggestions, expertise with the masses.
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All author's opinions are their own and not the opinions of this blog.
Yesterday in the streets of Chicago everyone identified as a winner with the victory the Cubs achieved but then later in the day, no doubt reverted to their own ‘best’ identity. Identities are divided into two broad categories, ascribed (based on innate characteristics) or achieved (based on personal effort). The bond that united this otherwise disparate group was their common identity as Cubs fans.
Sure, the Lions have some work to do if they want to make the playoffs for only the third time this millennium, but it could be worse. They could be the Bears.
The familiar refrain around Wrigleyville — and the baseball world at large — is 108 years. But for the first time in a long, long time there’s a new element to go along with the whispered stories of the Curse of the Billygoat.