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TodaysBinge brings you a platform where you can share your opinions, suggestions, expertise with the masses.
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All author's opinions are their own and not the opinions of this blog.
Setting time aside to workout can be challenging with school, work, kids, chores etc. Also, how many different exercises do you have to do to get a full body workout and still not get the results you want?
As girls we are programmed at an early age to maintain or loose weight. Working out is hard.
So what do we start doing, dieting. Dieting becomes a common word among us. And then we pickup a phrase called crash dieting. Probably shouldn't do anything that starts with the word crash (meaning: collide violently) - right? Why would anyone voluntarily want to violently collide?
You've seen those people at the gym looking in the mirror, flexing, pumping weights... checking themselves out? Did you think - what a show off, so into
themselves, full of it....? Well I did! I judged without really knowing that there are so many benefits of looking at yourself while working out.
"United" States of America is what we call ourselves. A land where people come from around the world and all walks of life for better opportunities, to be treated as equals & fairly, to raise their children in a country they are proud of... Is that what we just say anymore or do we actually believe and practice what we where supposed to stand for as a Nation?
Yesterday in the streets of Chicago everyone identified as a winner with the victory the Cubs achieved but then later in the day, no doubt reverted to their own ‘best’ identity. Identities are divided into two broad categories, ascribed (based on innate characteristics) or achieved (based on personal effort). The bond that united this otherwise disparate group was their common identity as Cubs fans.