

Mr. Trump - Irony vs. coincidence

Mr. Trump - Irony vs. coincidence

Quick English lesson: Irony and coincidence are too often mistakenly interchanged. 

Example of coincidence: A woman you once fat-shamed gaining the ability to vote right before an election you're running in. A "coincidence" is a set of events that, though accidental, appears planned. 

Example of irony: Years spent owning and operating pageants that should make you respect women but losing a presidential character debate because you learned nothing and proudly admitted to fat-shaming contestants. Irony is the incongruity between what should be expected and what actually occurs. 

Her gaining the right to vote for or against the man that was her boss was likely unrelated to him (Donald Trump) running. However, because her background experience with that ass-clown = one and only Donald Trump, has been revealed, her citizenship appears planned.


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