

Why is America continuing to let this happen...?

Why is America continuing to let this happen...?

Sadly, here we go again....

As someone said today “there are no words in American Dictionary that can to describe the disgusting observations about women that Trump made in 2005 – and this just after his third marriage…………

Recent observations from Trump shame all American men. The common observation will be that this is what most American men talk like in private. That is not even remotely true. 
In my last 24 years in America have met few thousand people due to nature of my job. I am proud to say that over the time have come only across three men who made disgusting comments about women similar to Trump style and these people were not held in high esteem. Normally people like that are considered to have serious character flaws that people avoid.

To prove the point please note that none of the others joined in Trumps disgusting comments. They laughed along as Trump was the important TV guest but they did not add any fuel to his demeaning comments – Trump did that on his own.

In this campaign he has demeaned us all with his observations and we just laughed along – that is shame on us not Trump. Trump cannot avoid being the person he is – but what about us!
What is the choice for fiscally & religious conservatives and republicans in this election? I understand, when they vote their conscience they cannot vote for Hilary due to divergence of beliefs and some poor choices by Hilary in office. The argument that she is better than Trump is poor selling point.   

"I know Republicans, who are men and women of high conscience, cannot vote for Trump."

So the solution is vote with write in candidate. I know the chance of write in getting elected is less than zero but that would be a way to vote your dissatisfaction which would galvanize the party to change so person like Trump can never humiliate party of Lincoln.


Small town America – which candidate understands?

Small town America – which candidate understands?