

Hillary will win by a landslide but if not the blame is 100% on Her

Hillary will win by a landslide but if not the blame is 100% on Her

I am very confident that Hilary will be the next US President - trying hard not to be confused by the multitude of polling numbers.

THE DONALD has done everything other than hand over the election to Hilary by demeaning and insulting three core groups – African Americans, Women and Hispanic. If just a large majority of those groups turn up to vote, it will be landslide for Hilary.

The only group he has not insulted is college educated white collar workers for whom the 21st century economy has not been very kind. Unfortunately, there is no simple solution for that and will take time.

95%+ Registered Republicans will vote along party lines just as Democrats would. Before Democrats throw stones remember you elected Bill Clinton to a 2nd term and his morality was also very deplorable.

Now if Women, African Americans and Hispanics with other immigrant groups do not come out in record numbers and provide Hillary 70% cushion in that demographic – well then Hilary has even more baggage than Trumps shallowness.

No matter who wins, remember, America is far greater than either Hilary or Trump. Sometimes, even the worst can do great things and the best not move the needle at all.

  1. Nixon was not the best but he opened China and ended the long war in Vietnam.
  2. Johnson was an accidental President from Texas who helped pass some great civil rights legislation's.
  3. Carter was a great human being who accomplished nothing.
  4. Clinton’s moral compass was extremely limited but he is regarded as a successful President.
  5. Ronald Reagan, despite not being intellectually smart, is revered by Republicans who tout his accomplishments daily.

So, go out and vote and no matter the outcome have a party and enjoy with friends and family. Believe that America will remain great – past our great grandchildren at a minimum.

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