Democracy vs. Republic
Some time ago a smart person corrected me when I identified America as a Democracy. He said USA is a Republic – or Democratic Republic. I did not understand the difference so looked it up and he was right. You could also call us Representative Democracy but I do not think that is true today with < 50% voter turnout.
Over the last three decades there has been a shift in our Republic. Loyalty to Political Party has taken 100% precedence over loyalty to country. Extreme nastiness to countries citizens is acceptable within party loyalty norms. Prime example is Democrats support for President Clinton during his nastiness and now Republican support for President D Trump.
The other needle that has moved since then is the increased usage of Presidential Power without a tweak from all of us. Support for President by his Party is an article of faith. As such there is really nothing a President cannot do. He really does not need anyone’s approval under our current Presidential system and blind Party Affiliations.
Also, not supporting opposition part elected president is article of faith – not matter what. This is especially true, am sorry to say, among my Republican friends.
There is almost no other Democracy or Democratic Republic currently where the President / Prime Minister can govern unilaterally like USA. Even when something fails to pass in US Congress, like elimination of affordable health care, all President must do is cut off funding by Presidential Dictum!
Another fall back when criticism becomes strong is to go find fault with other countries and their institutions. All country leaders do that but as USA is a global super power impact goes beyond rhetoric. Our current President has taken it a step forward. He has honed that blame game to our own countries citizens and institutions with not a peep really from Republican power brokers.
As there are no real News Media Channels; they are all entertainment shows, the impact is worse.
US citizens living under democratic republic since inception have very limited understanding of dictatorship or totalitarian regimes. One common misconception that dictatorships are run by few people with < 1% public support is false.
Even dictatorships have very strong core support among the populace – they do not exist in a vacuum. Having experience living in democratic country which practiced dictatorship for three years very aware of this. Once they come to power they generally last for decades before that core support starts eroding. The core support our President has today is sufficient to support a dictatorship – think of that!
Having lived in other dictatorship also know that a benevolent dictatorship can easily last for half a century or more.
As Americans we need to remember that Democratic Republic to Dictatorship is more than a slippery slop – it is a slippery slide like children’s park slides. Once you sit on the slop and give a slight push the rest is inevitable. After that walking back and climbing the steps to get to the top takes time and is very hard.
A person close to me, whom I respect very much, always reminds me (when I forget) that President Trump is very smart – contrary to left media entertainment blasts. Remember he did not just beat Democratic Candidate H Clinton to get here. He beat 17 Republican candidates through a grueling primary contest. So, Pres Trump, as an Independent systematically defeated 17 opponents to become President. All this with little no money of his own. Even Ross Perot and George Wallace in modern times failed to do that.
That is an extremely smart person.
Really – America needs God’s blessing as citizens & institutions have forgotten.