All tagged President

Democracy vs. Republic

Some time ago a smart person corrected me when I identified America as a Democracy. He said USA is a Republic – or Democratic Republic. I did not understand the difference so looked it up and he was right. You could also call us Representative Democracy but I do not think that is true today with < 50% voter turnout...

What do you mean "Obama's Legacy"?

There has been much reflection regarding President Obama's legacy in the final days of his presidency.  While the biased media celebrates his legacy and anoints him as the progressive savior of hope and change, the reality is that Mr. Obama was at best an under-achieving president, and possibly one of the worst ever.

In about 24 hours, Donald Trump will be Barack Obama's president, and his legacy will begin to vanish before his very eyes.

Mr. Trump - don't drop that baton

While the Republican programs will create significant long term issues with the deficit, income inequality and social order, in the near term we are likely to see the continued economic success based on the Foundation that President Obama developed.

That is the ultimate irony that President-elect may succeed economically (whether foreign affairs or social issues sink him is a separate set of issues) because of what President Obama bequeathed him. 

I still don't get it - Trump is POTUS?!

Well do not worry Americans. Have faith in Trump as he alone will make everything perfect again. Is that not the perfect definition of democracy – one man controlling all and alone making things perfect?!

We decided to elect a marginally successful businessman with multiple failed companies and bankruptcies as our next President OVER an intelligent woman with lifetime public service who has made a couple (yes two only) bad judgement calls during the lifetime of service.