All tagged Healthcare

Unleash the free market in healthcare!

What’s ailing our current health care system and what can we do to improve it? I have been discussing in prior posts what’s ailing our current health care system, and why I think political solutions will only perpetuate the problems.  So what are my big ideas?  I don’t claim to have all the answers, and the ideas I’m about to present aren’t even original.  However, I think more people need to at least hear the ideas and their underlying rationale to decide for themselves what makes sense. 

I still don't get it - Trump is POTUS?!

Well do not worry Americans. Have faith in Trump as he alone will make everything perfect again. Is that not the perfect definition of democracy – one man controlling all and alone making things perfect?!

We decided to elect a marginally successful businessman with multiple failed companies and bankruptcies as our next President OVER an intelligent woman with lifetime public service who has made a couple (yes two only) bad judgement calls during the lifetime of service.

Everyone else is doing it, why shouldn’t we?

I received some excellent feedback from my article advocating free market pricing in health care.  The reader questioned why other advanced countries with universal health care seem to have better health outcomes at lower cost.  This is a complicated question which merits its own article.  The major obstacle to discussing this topic is the conflation of terms involved. 

Missing ingredients in healthcare

We are told that health care is somehow different from any other category of goods or services we provide to each other, and therefore the laws of economics must be ignored or suspended through magical acts of legislation.  This premise could not be any more misguided, health care is a service just like any other.  Hospitals, doctors, and nurses do not fall out of the sky.  

In Defense of Martin Shkreli: Drug pricing in America

Learning about the root causes of the high costs we face in the health care industry can be a challenging endeavor, but it shouldn’t be!  All we have to do is train ourselves to ask the right questions.  Recently there were two notable stories that made national news regarding prescription drug pricing which provide excellent examples of what’s wrong with the status quo.