

Why I Love Donald Trump?

Why I Love Donald Trump?

Democracy has to be nurtured and developed. We as Americans have enjoyed the fruits of democracy but other than our brave men and women in the military the sacrifices made by normal Americans to nurture democracy have been limited.

When the military goes to war we Americans contribute little other than cheering from the road side. We are not even willing to pay higher taxes to pay for benefits to our fighting men who are defending us.

In the last 100 years most democracies have gone through trials where the people have recognized the advantages of democracy over dictatorships. Take the case of Germany under Nazis, Spain under Franco, Italy under Mussolini, India when Mrs. Gandhi declared emergency, Eastern Europe countries under Soviet domination and others.

Our voting record with less than 45% voting is horrific when compared to other democracies. America the last 100+ years has developed as a great democracy.

However it is time for us to pay for our great country and understand what is needed to keep democracy alive. Donald Trump unfortunately brings out the worst in us – like most dictators or demagogues over history. Mr. Trump projects himself as being the savior for all Americans – most totalitarians demagogues use exactly the same words across history. A mature democracy is successful because all contribute – not one person sitting on the top.

Unfortunately within the Republican Party Mr. Trump has just taken the worst to the next level. For the last 15 years the Republican hard core has put forward the principle – “my way or the high way “. Remember even from Republican view Regan succeeded because he was able to reach compromise with democrats.

The reason why I love Mr. Trump is that his presidency will teach us Americans a very useful lesson. His extreme belief in self with exclusion of all others will create an environment where normal Americans and their beliefs will be totally ignored. Minorities will be totally ignored to the happiness of limited hard core right wing groups. Sometimes it feels that Americans have truly forgotten that diversity makes us great – not exclusion. Americans will feel and see the worst of the worst as regards being ruled by person whose belief in self-overrules all other views.

That will show us that democracies work best and mature when ALL beliefs are taken into account and compromises reached that benefit all. Cannot understand why the Tea Party and other Republicans take the view that compromise is bad – compromise is a core principle of any democracy or life. Why is that such a bad word!

Presidency under Mr. Trump will show us all when we elect the worst in us. The last 8 years we had a gentleman President. Nobody is perfect but President Obama has in all honestly moved America forward. When he became President our economy had totally tanked and we were involved in two major wars. Today our economy is the best in the developed world by any normal statistic.

Mr. Trump believes in torture and other forms of aggression. So he proposes that we adopt the worst attribute of our enemies – so what that will differentiate us from the worst in the world!

Mr. Trump proposes that we adopt the worst attributes of blood thirsty terrorists and dictators – now will that make us great!

All of Mr. Trump comments are on how great, smart, handsome, brave, sexy……………….he is but nothing truly about America. Essentially without Mr. Trump 320 million Americans with 250+ years of history and sacrifice behind are useless!

Again I love Mr. Trump as truly believe his presidency will teach us that we all need to commit to our country and democracy or risk losing it all. Mr. Trump with his extreme belief in himself over all of America classifies him as a classic leader with delusions of grandeur.

It saddens me that we as Americans have come to such a base level that a mean spirited person like Mr. Trump can actually become our President. But being an optimist truly believe that America will survive the worst in us that Mr. Trump portrays. – God willing.

Government like private sector have over the last 250+ years both have contributed to making America great. We cannot progress without honoring contributions from both. More to come...

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